4 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before Working On Their Website Design

One of the biggest trade secrets of successful web designers is that they have their facts clear about their clients. What these designers do is that they approach their clients with a set of questions, which they think is important for the web design project. Some of these questions are common and relevant to web design projects undertaken by any website designer. Let us take a look at such questions which even you can ask your clients before you start working on their projects.
Why do you want this site (or why are you getting the site redesigned)?
When you know your clients' main objective for designing the site, you will be able to guide them well and provide them with the best solutions.
More often than not, the clients want to redesign their site to beat their competitors. In this case, you can ask them about the kind of features their rivals have (and they don't). After this, let them know the ways in which they can achieve their goals through successful web design, which will help them stay ahead in the competition.
What is your company all about?
Occasionally, you may also have the owner of a start-up as your client. Then what? Easy, just sit with your client and know everything you want about the background of their company; ask them about their short term and long term goals for the firm, what image of the company or the brand they want to portray online and more specifically, what call-to-actions do they want their visitors to take when they visit the site.
Remember, knowing your clients' company inside and out will go a long way in helping you design a successful website for them.
Who are your target audience?
If you get a chance to ask only one question to your clients, ask them who their end-users are. This is one of the most basic and most important questions, in terms of web design. After all, if you don't know who the target users are, chances are that you will end up designing a website which may not at all appeal to the users and it will mar your efforts. Therefore, it is important to know and understand the end-users of your clients.
For example, a website designed for female users will be different from a site designed for executives. You surely wouldn't use shades of pink on a corporate website would you?
What all do you NOT want on your site?
Many people explain what they don't like easily rather than what they like. You never know whether your client falls under this category and hence, you must be prepared with this question. Know what the clients' do not want from their site and jot it down for future reference.
In this entire process, they may eventually come up with better alternatives for the site, which will make your work easier.
So, these were some of the questions relevant to every web design project which will help a web designer design successful websites.
Alan Hall Works with PLAVEB, A Website Design Company based in Los Angeles California provides expert services in Custom Website Development and more.

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