Understanding The Importance Of Electrical Infrared Inspection

By Lisa Williamson

It is the duty and desire of electricians to have all components functioning in the most optimal level. Malfunction is often caused by damages, poor installation work, corrosion or even contamination. The most common sign of a problem in the system is excessive heat resulting from poor conductivity. If left unchecked, the results can range from unnecessary and costly power disruption to very catastrophic events such as electrocution and fires. Initially, more costly and time consuming physical inspection was the only dependable way to keep the system safe but engineers are now migrating to electrical infrared inspection method which has proven not only cheaper but more effective.

It is a good practice to inspect all electrical system components twice a year or at least every 12 months at minimum. When properly conducted, it is possible to detect and prevent accidents well in advance before they occur. For the equipment and the control systems that are subjected to movements and vibrations, every six months inspection is not optional.

The target is to pinpoint any damages or potential threats resulting from improper installations, points of weaknesses, contamination, corrosion or worn out devices. The other problems can result from ground faults and improper assembly leading to increased resistance which is the recipe for overheating which on its own is a danger to the rest of the system and the surrounding objects. If left unchecked power outages are the least of problems that can result.

The most common system components that are subject to periodic surveys include the bus ducts, the distribution panels, distribution centers, receptacle panels, the sub-feed panels, transformers, the switchgears, the lighting system, uninterruptible power supplies, the disconnects and several other related components. With infrared surveys, the faults, loose connections and any potential hazards in these components can easily be detected with the minimal time and cost.

If you choose to use this form of testing, there is no need to shut down any part of the system as the testing is non-contact and nondestructive (NDT) at the same time. This means that all components can be inspected under their normal loads in the normal operating system. It involves scanning with the aim of revealing improper connections, damages and any form of flaws well in advance before they can result to any disaster.

This form of inspection is endorsed and recommended by several associations and regulatory bodies such as the InterNational Electrical Testing Association and National Fire Protection Association among several others. It has 1 to 4 returns on investment for both the labor and material used. It is this cost benefit analysis that make is a viable business for many companies that now offer this service.

Among several benefits you stand to benefit from, there is the precise pinpointing of hotspots, reduced down time, elimination of unscheduled outages, reduced cost of energy due to efficiency and predictive or proactive approach to electrical maintenance program. The general reduction of resource deployed (human resources and finances) also translates to lower cost of energy.

It is important to trust the surveying services to a company that has expert engineers, the necessary machinery for the job and well proven track record in order to enjoy the full benefits of this new technology.

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