Getting Clear on Google Glass

Google Glass is generating lots of hype. The product which Google says may make wearable computing mainstream, has not even reached the marketplace.
In fact some estimates indicate Glass will not be available to the general public until late 2013 or 2014 at the earliest.
So why all the buzz?
Many believe Google Glass will have a major impact or even revolutionize how we use digital media and perform a variety of functions from taking photos and videos, to sending speech-to-text messages.
Worn like any pair of glasses, you can activate Glass functions through voice commands. Say you need directions to a local restaurant or business. Instead of using a laptop, tablet or smartphone to go to Google maps, and access the information, you can simply say "Find Bob's Restaurant on Main Street".
The information appears right above your eye.
You can also stream your current view through the built-in web cam and then use Google Maps and some type of GPS built into the glasses to help you get there.
The results of your search will be displayed on a prism, again located a little above your eye line.
Should you wish to record video of your son or daughter's birthday party, Glass will allow you to do that as well. Glass will let you send that video straight to email or text or share with friends. It will also allow you to hangout with groups on Google+ and let them become part of your activity. Sharing in real time becomes much easier.
Apps are most likely in development to help with the process and supply additional options. Video conferencing may be easier to execute with Glass.
While this technology appears to be leading edge, and can be extremely efficient, it does raise many issues which can impose on one's privacy.
When a Google Glass wearer appears at an event, you won't know whether they are recording you and other participants. Unlike pulling out a smart phone and visibly aiming and shooting, Glass functions are less obtrusive if not totally hidden, apparently at the whim of the user.
There is the fear of what Google will do with your information. The wearer's privacy and security issues could come into play.
Will Google monitor if not record your every move? Will they send you pop-up ads which will literally be "in your face?"
Many may also wonder about Glass' fashion impact. The Google Glass video indicates the frames will be very stylish, at least for most tastes. Glass will come in a variety of colors including white, blue, orange and black. The intent is to provide the user enough choices to make it appear as a fashionable accessory.
Those who are concerned about adding more technology into their life may take a back seat on Glass. They may wait for friends and others to try it out and join the pack at a later date.
However, for the many that are able to grab Glass early on, they should be in for a rich hands-free experience.
One that offers a new way to view the world and use computing in a way to make life and business easier if not more enjoyable.
Marc Arbesman is a founder and CIO of ThrottleNet, Inc. ThrottleNet offers an array of technology services and products to help business owners achieve their corporate goals, while reducing overhead. This is accomplished through outsourced Managed Network Services which helps companies improve their technology uptime and IT capabilities while, at the same time, reducing costs. The firm offers custom software development and mobile applications to help companies accelerate their business growth. For additional information contact ThrottleNet online at or call 866-826-5966

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