How Free Mobile Games Gained Pubic Acceptance

By Jason Phillips

If you told people two decades ago that they would be going crazy over free mobile games, no one would believe you. Back then, these were considered inconsequential things that were best left to children. Adults who continued to play them were seen as immature and derided for doing so.

Now the children of the 80's and 90's are all grown up. We live in a world where everyone owns at least one of several types of mobile devices. These are often filled to the brim with free mobile games and it is common to see people of all ages enjoying them. The relatively simple classics like Snake, Tetris and Solitaire have been replaced with a new breed of games that are full or color and feature complex game play.

Old classics experience a resurrection in modern form and people gobbled them up very quickly. Sports games on the mobile platform became quite popular as well. People enjoyed participating in the World Cup on their cellphones and winning Grand Slam tennis titles through their small screens. Even trivia questions became fashionable thanks to several game shows that included them.

It is easy to see why free mobile games are everywhere. They cost nothing to install, and getting them onto your device is easy. If you want a little competition, you can even play multi-player games, and compete with your friends for the high score.

No matter what one's taste may be, he or she will be able to find several compelling games. There are classic first-person shooters, board games, puzzles and card games. There are also item collection activities and crime solving arcs. Some are geared towards adventure seekers while others are more for casual gamers. For instance, two of the most famous games today are Temple Run and Angry Birds. These are two incredibly different games in that former is a first-person adventure game that requires the player to run and jump across a maze of obstacles while the latter is a projectile strategy game that features stylized animals.

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