Are The World's Central Banks Safe From Hackers - Apparently Not

What's that famous line from CNBC that Maria Bartoromo says after on her "Closing Bell" show; "It's 5:00, do you know where your money is?" That's a good question isn't it, and let me ask again; do you really - well, even if you know where your money is - do the central banks of the world know where their money is, and is it safe?
Realize that most of the money in the world is never printed, it only exists on computers, not in actual currency or gold or anything like that. Money is wired from one place to another, but it never actually exists in any physical form, not anymore. That's just not how we do it these days. Okay so, let's talk shall we?
Why you ask? Well because not long ago, I read something that bothered me. You see, there was a rather troubling article in the Wall Street Journal on March 12, 2013 titled; "Hackers Hit Central Bank; Sensitive Data Secured" by Enda Curran. Notice how they were so careful to state that the so-called "sensitive data" was secured as not to raise alarm bells?
Well, that's what bankers always say, and yet how "secured" is secured, and how much cryptology is in place in the new era of quantum computing, and what the hell is the world going to do the first time a Central Bank is hacked in any first world nation?
Once that happens and I believe it is not if, but when, then what? Ah ha, and yes I do dare to ask the question. Further, this information from the Reserve Bank of Australia only came out, after a "Freedom of Information" request, meaning they didn't volunteer the information, and who is to say this is the only time it has happened in the first world?
The Central Bank in this case isn't saying who it was or even what country the cyber-attack came from, but I bet a good many of us can probably guess, can't we? Why did this happen? Did Australia have words with China? Was there a trade dispute? Is there something else going on? Are criminals testing the system, or is it just harmless hackers trying to get points amongst their red-hat hacking peers?
Yes, these questions should be asked, and no, they shouldn't be avoided. If people, investors, banks, governments, and leaders are to trust the monetary system, then we all need to know, we need to know the truth. If the Central Banks of the world are not hacker free and secure, then what does that mean for the world's economic future and the stability of society and civilization around the world. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Computer Hacking Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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