Even though desktop computers and laptops have thoroughly replaced typewriters, I think it's very important that you learn how to keep and maintain safety while in front of your computer. And more specifically, you need to learn how to minimize the amount of time that you spend in front of your monitor.
Me personally, whenever I'm in front of my laptop, I keep the screen brightness to the absolute lowest setting, and I wear UV protecting sunglasses. Does this sound strange to you? Well, maybe it does, but I have noticed a decrease in eye strain and eye fatigue as opposed to staring at my screen "raw" for long periods of time.
Now don't get me wrong. If you have an office job, more than likely you will be required to spend long hours and time in front of your computer screen. In situations like this, sometimes protection is not available. But there are certain techniques that you can use to still maintain proper eye health while being in front of your computer.
In today's lesson, I want to reveal to you what some of these techniques are so that you can remain healthy while in front of your computer. These tips are things that are very simple to implement and use simply and easily. Here's the first thing that you can do to remain healthy while in front of your computer monitor:
1) Make sure the monitor is 20 inches away from you
This is a good rule of thumb to take notice of when staring at your monitor. And believe it or not, 20 inches isn't a long distance. It's long enough to protect yourself, yet short enough for you to still read and comprehend what you're looking at in front of your computer screen.
If this distance is too far for you, then consider purchasing some reading glasses. This will help you to better differentiate what you're doing on your computer. 20 inches is a good distance, and is something that won't hurt your eyes or cause you to strain to read what you're looking at. Here's another tip for remaining safe and healthy while in front of your computer monitor:
2) Make sure that the top of the monitor is at or below your eyes
When I type on my laptop, there's about a 3-inch gap between my eyes and the top of my laptop screen. So I have ample room to look at my screen - without hurting my eyes whatsoever. This is also a good rule of thumb to keep in mind also. If you don't want the screen to affect your health, the distance and angle of the computer screen has to be adjusted.
Also, make sure you don't have a tiny monitor or laptop screen. Purchasing or upgrading to a larger monitor or screen is a good investment. You have to remember... you may be in front of your computer for hours at a time. For some people, this is 8 hours a day, 5 days a week... 365 days a year. So not properly taking care of your eye health and not taking these tips seriously can do some real damage to your eyes.
You should strive to be as healthy as possible when in front of your computer. This is something that you have adjusted for your eye health everyday you go into work. Encourage others at your job to do the same thing, because the last thing that you want is for you and your co-workers to not do a good job at work - simply because their eyes hurt from staring at their computer all day. So keep this in mind.
Good luck with maintaining safety while being in front of your computer monitor.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded computer technology experts on the internet. He has a website about computer repair that helps people learn how to take care, secure, and optimize their computer simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here: Computer Repair Secrets
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Randall_A_Magwood
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